Tank 3 pro problemas de fluidez al actualizar a Android 14
Actualicé a la nueva versión de android 14 mi tank 3 pro,y he notado una repetida caida de la fluidez del dispositivo,llegando a ser muy
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Actualicé a la nueva versión de android 14 mi tank 3 pro,y he notado una repetida caida de la fluidez del dispositivo,llegando a ser muy
Just got my tank 3 pro, LOVE IT! As long as security updates and OS updates keep going, I am hooked and will keep buying
Hi, I noticed that pressure is created in the device when the temperature changes. This affects the touch of the screen and the operation of
The box needs to be opened, but it’s spinning like crazy. Any attempt to smoothly scroll the box makes it spin like a centrifuge.
hey. i have a tank 3 pro stuck on tank3_eea_20231110_20240313-1139. is this the latest? i saw others receiving new firmware.
My projector died after just three weeks since i got the phone.
Perfect packaging when arrived, battery was dead, there was no documentation on whether this is standard practice or not. Should I charge it or will
Today I received a system update for my tank 3 pro but when I updated and restarted (at the end of the update it asked
Hello! Will TANK 2 get a similar upgrade and reach the pro version? With a high-brightness projector and manual focusing, a laser ruler and an
Hello dear representatives of the company. I am faced with a problem related to the incompatibility (dtbo) of the overlay table from the software of
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