Video Boost for Projector! *NO root required*

Picture of Darkijah-Anders Jehovahsoen

Darkijah-Anders Jehovahsoen

If you do not want to read and just get directly into it, you find the SVPlayer APK for download here:

And if you want more information you can read on:

So I have been hacking the planet and far from finished. But I test a lot of things looking around – although I wanted a system based Brightness, Contrast, Gamma or some of these to be able to do it directly to help both on the overall screen with dark areas, like in games and other places, that are too dark AND helping the Projector to be more clear as well.

And I have some theory and things to do, that have yet to be fulfilled yet.

So for for now, I found this AWESOME program for video play, that is based upon the wonderful working MPV opensource player, and this video SVPlayer do Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Gamma, Sharpness AND make out videos to 60 FPS to fill in frames ON THE FLY, a new technology that I have 2 apps with on the mobile. One being a version of the Uzuy MMJR Nintendo Switch emulator, the other being this video SVPlayer

The Playstore of this APPlication only runs for a little time on 60FPS, but all the other features works. But the Homepage APPlication APK installation file does not seem to have this issue and works with boosted FPS without stopping, at least for now since I installed it, so time will tell if there is some kind of time on it, but it is based on an OpenSource application, so they might need to give there own thing away for free as well even if they also sell it. Not sure, but there are some rules in regards of OpenSource and license stuff and rules on those levels.

In any case, I tested it shortly last night and it was a huge difference with those brightening options. My settings is as for now, but overall you can fine tune it to your own liking of cause and to different video’s so it looks to your suiting :

Brightness 5
Contrast 23
Saturation 17
Gamma 14
Sharpness 37

Although it “only” works for Video, it is still a big step and boost for the usability for the Projector and it does not require ADMIN/ROOT. Usually you would use the Projector for video, so….

It might be likely that one could play on this device as well. with a connected controller, but brightening it would required that either the game can do it by itself or ROOTING it doing it on a system level overall. I do have some knowledge on this, collecting data on it how to do it, but have yet to succeed in getting there as there are multiple steps and my brain seems a little lost for me.

Now this is written in the perspective of the Tank 3 Pro, any other model that is slower, might have issues on running 60 Frames Per Second but the other settings should still be work and give you a better experience with your projector in any case 🙂

Here is a direct link to the APK, but it might go bad at some point, the website link is at the top for you to find it for yourself.  Ungoogled APK, download and install and run:

Enjoy and may Jehovah be with you
Father, Son, Spirit – and their Children of God.
– Darkijah

One Response

  1. By the way when I was young and played a lot of games, the golden FPS number was 60 FPS, as far as I know, you can’t see a difference beyond 60 FPS – so there is no need to boost it beyond that.
    I have yet to test how the Projector holds up to this 60 FPS feature in regards of heat on longer runs – for the testing I have done I have not run into any issues on the Tank 3 Pro, but it does use your processor, although I guess gaming would as well, and maybe even more. I don’t know about the projector itself does and works with Frames, but on the mobile screen your can clearly see a difference, and the brightness control is amazing to help see the film motion.

    But actually not sure if the FPS boost on video does anything on the projector itself, and how much it in itself is able to show through the Projector.

    In any case, you have what seems the most powerful Android video player overall, and seemingly free 60 FPS feature if you get it from there website directly and those wonderful controls for brightness. Anyway, just some afterthoughts.

    I will need to do more testing and seeking out some information on the Projector.

    – Darkijah

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