Just got my tank 3 pro, LOVE IT! As long as security updates and OS updates keep going, I am hooked and will keep buying the tank series! So far these are AMAZING beasts! Unihertz/8849, please keep up the good work and the updates!
HOWEVER, since the 14 update the other day, I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what got busted with google messages since the update. Everything worked great before the update.
I can not send pictures through Google messages, No reason stated, I just get “failed to send”. tried RCS off/on, cache clear, data clear, mobile carrier reset, apn settings match, pretty much everything you can find on Google and YT for trying to fix, did that.
I missed a group text thread for a coworkers going away party, didn’t get a single message from anyone, So some group messages go to the abyss.
On T-Mobile
Using textra/3rd party apps works perfectly, but would like RCS, appears isolated to Google messages.
Anyone experiencing something similar? Any ideas? I feel like I have tried everything but a hard reset, of course that is a PITA setting everything back up. Even if the hard reset does not work, I’ll get by with 3rd party messenger apps and be happyish, just annoying there’s not a simple solution to a seemingly simple problem.