Tank 3 POOR SCREEN😢 and other BUGS report

Picture of John


Tank 3 touch screen issue!😥
Im currently using the latest 2024 update


1 I am a Tank 3 user and I have a problem with the touch screen. It is very jittery and inaccurate when I use paint apps or shooter games. It makes drawing and aiming very hard and frustrating. I have tried changing the settings, but nothing works.

2 Changing the memory expansion to 16 in tests shows that ram swap is only 8 gigabytes.

3 while changing the brightness, the bar moves quickly left and right.

4 The Night vision camera shows in top left and right, also in bottom left white fog.

5 Please allow tank 3 users to lower the screen refresh rate to 60hz to b able to save more battery.

6 The Force peak refresh rate in developer options isn’t showing, but only in settings search bar result.

7 Please in the future make tank phone possible to update to android 14.

Please fix those issues in the next update. It is a big flaw for an otherwise great phone. Thank you for your support.


One Response

  1. Additional info about the screen issue

    While slowly moving the aim in game or the the brush in the paint app, it becomes immature and jittery, but when you move the aim or the brush fastly the accuracy is ok. Hope this information can help fixing the screen bug.

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