Recent applications (TANK 2 | Android 14).

Picture of mct_


Hello. First of all, I would like to thank you for such excellent products that you produce.

Thanks !

Now I’ll talk about the working moments and some difficulties in using the Android 14 build for TANK 2. When I try to pull the screen up from the bottom and bring up recent applications, it doesn’t always work smoothly (I use a 430 dpi screen by default).

Overall, everything is working well, I did a clean install after applying OTA.

3 Responses

  1. The progress line for launching the assistant takes longer than the recent application menu starts, and all I did was try to launch the assistant briefly and raise my finger before launching it. It’s a matter of habit, and besides, I’ve never used the assistant because of the roaming request and the lack of language processing capabilities through the neural network.

    By the way, it would not be bad to have a gapps deletion function, so that unfriendly countries would not think of blocking the device. I often watch TV and see so many crazy people, and assume that many of them, according to regional characteristics, can easily disable your device with the touch of a button )

  2. If that happens…. for example (the corporation of good) will not like the shape of your skull or they will object to the fact that you were born and, in their opinion, do not live in the place where they would like….
    The device will turn into a brick.
    (It’s not for nothing that so much time is devoted to the security system).
    And it would be nice to be able to delete GAPPS and everything related to it without losing the license and system integrity (a clean axis).
    For example, you can use other app stores and not lose the functionality of your device.

    Please consider this issue.

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